IPA: ˈɔfʌɫ
- The internal organs of an animal, used as food.
- A by-product of the grain milling process, which may include bran, husks, etc.
- A dead body; carrion.
- That which is thrown away as worthless or unfit for use; refuse; rubbish.
Examples of "offal" in Sentences
- The chef prepared a delicious dish of braised offal, including liver and kidney
- Some people find offal to be an acquired taste, but I personally enjoy its rich and unique flavors
- The butcher carefully separated the offal from the rest of the meat, ensuring nothing went to waste
- Offal is often used in traditional dishes around the world, adding depth and richness to the cuisine
- Despite its reputation, offal can be a nutritious and flavorful addition to a well-balanced diet