
IPA: ʌfˈɪʃʌɫˈiz


  • The typical language of officials or official documents; legalistic and pompous language.

Examples of "officialese" in Sentences

  • The letter, signed by the principal, bombarded us with officialese, a new language we were learning the hard way.
  • Politicians and civil servants should steer clear of using "officialese" or risk being mocked by the public and media, a parliamentary committee has suggested.
  • I talk to several kids, to a sociologist, and to the local human rights commissioner, a bland middle-aged man who speaks about the incident in impenetrable officialese.
  • Moreover, whatever its technical status in the eyes of the GMC it was presented as a formal complaint, giving the full names of the doctors and their registered medical practitioner numbers and phrased in officialese.
  • In Gowers's revision of Fowlers MEU, there's an article on "officialese," in which Gowers distinguishes between the sort of language to be used in drafting a statute or regulation and the language used to explain things to an inquiring citizen.
  • Very interesting, it does sort of take your breath away reading the 'officialese', even translated to English … In fairness, Goldarrow couldn't really expect to get paid in full after the scrap prices crashed-I'm sure that just wasn't going to happen.

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