IPA: ˈɑɫʌgoʊ
- (biochemistry) An oligonucleotide.
Examples of "oligo" in Sentences
- She insisted that it was a real elixir and just what I needed in my diet — full of vitamins and minerals, and some “oligo-elements”.
- Eating these “oligo-elements” would help to detoxify the liver so one would not suffer from ‘mal au foie’ or even worse, the ‘crise de foie’.
- Although it is oligo/mesotrophic, it appears to have a high nutrient status because of the abundant growth of attached algae along the shorelines.
- Interactive correlation with oligo-molecules rather than short sequences implies that these relationships were established during RNA World, then evolved from there.
- Dietz-Schmidt A, Zündorf I, Garin J, Dingermann T, et al. (1999) A Dictyostelium protein binds to distinct oligo (dA) •oligo (dT) DNA sequences in the C-module of the retrotransposable element DRE.
- The notion that we do not have the right to break up anti-competitive and oligo-polistic businesses flies in the face of antitrust laws and ignores the valuable lessons in growth demonstrated by Teddy Roosevelt's trust-busting.