IPA: oʊmˈɛntʌm
- (anatomy) Either of two folds of the peritoneum that support the viscera.
Examples of "omentum" in Sentences
- When our ancestors faced periods of famine, they stored fat in their bellies with an organ called the omentum.
- This stomach is sustained by a large kell or caul, called omentum; which some will have the same with peritoneum, or rim of the belly.
- The omentum, which is located next to your stomach, serves as your primary storage facility of fat, where you park some or in really bad cases all the excess foods you eat.
- To nurture the new organ, the scientists wrapped some of the patients 'bladders with a blood-rich tissue called the omentum, which is present in people's abdominal cavities.
- There are some poetic moments in this essay, beautiful descriptions of organs “It [the liver] laps over the pink sweep of the stomach, from whose lower border the gauzy omentum is draped, and through which veil one sees, sinuous, slow as just-fed snakes, the indolent coils of the intestine.”