IPA: ˈoʊpʌnɝ
- A person who opens something.
- A device that opens something; specifically a tin-opener/can-opener, or a bottle opener.
- (in combination) An establishment that opens.
- (card games) The player who starts the betting.
- (card games, in the plural) Cards of sufficient value to enable a player to open the betting.
- (metalworking) A person employed to separate sheets of hot metal that become stuck together.
- (theater) The first act in a variety show or concert.
- (cricket) A batsman who normally plays in the first two positions of an innings.
- (colloquial) The first in a series of events, items etc.; the first remark or sentence of a conversation.
- (sports) The first game played in a competition.
- (sports) The first goal or point scored.
- (fishing) A period of time when it is legal to commercially fish.
- (baseball) A pitcher who specializes in getting the first outs of a game before being replaced, either by a long reliever or a pitcher who would normally start.
Examples of "opener" in Sentences
- The new can opener made opening cans much easier and faster
- The keynote speaker delivered a powerful opener that captivated the audience's attention
- The baseball team's leadoff hitter was known for his ability to set the tone as the game opener
- The concert featured an exciting performance by the special guest opener before the main act took the stage
- The sales presentation started off strong with a persuasive opener that immediately grabbed the client's interest