IPA: ɑpθʌmˈɑpɫˈidʒiʌ
- (medicine) A complete paralysis of the extraocular muscles which are responsible for eye movements.
Examples of "ophthalmoplegia" in Sentences
- The doctor diagnosed the patient with ophthalmoplegia, a condition that causes paralysis of the eye muscles
- Ophthalmoplegia can result in double vision, drooping eyelids, and an inability to move the eyes in certain directions
- Treatment for ophthalmoplegia may include eye exercises, surgery, or medication to manage symptoms
- The ophthalmologist explained that ophthalmoplegia can be caused by nerve damage, muscle disorders, or underlying medical conditions
- Living with ophthalmoplegia can be challenging, but with proper care and treatment, many patients are able to manage their symptoms effectively