IPA: oʊpˈaɪn
- (biochemistry) Any of a class of organic compounds, derived from amino acids, found in some plant tumours
- (intransitive, transitive) To express an opinion; to state as an opinion; to suppose, consider (that).
- (intransitive) To give one's formal opinion (on or upon something).
- (intransitive, transitive) to suppose, consider as correct, or entertain, an opinion.
Examples of "opine" in Sentences
- I must respectfully disagree with your opine on the best way to solve this problem
- I appreciate your willingness to opine on such a controversial topic
- It's important to consider multiple perspectives before forming an opine on an issue
- I hesitate to opine on such a complex subject without more information
- Please feel free to opine on any changes you think should be made to improve our project