
IPA: ˈɑpsʌn


  • (biochemistry) Any of a group of light-sensitive proteins in the retina.

Examples of "opsin" in Sentences

  • We vertebrates have ciliary cells, c-opsin, and a phosphodiesterase pathway.
  • Genetic evidence for selective transport of opsin and arrestin by kinesin-II in mammalian photoreceptors.
  • I had a feeling that my Irish in-laws have a long wavelength opsin and special photoreceptors to allow them to see how hot their tea is.
  • The gene, called opsin, is present in vision among vertebrate animals, and is responsible for a different way of seeing than that of animals like flies.
  • Invertebrates have rhabodomeric cells that use a special version of the photopigment called r-opsin, and activate cells by a particular pathway called a phospholipase-C cascade.
  • Our complex eyes clearly evolved from the simpler eyes in ancestral species, and the presence of the critical light-receptive pigment called “opsin” in all animals highlights this shared ancestry.
  • Nevertheless in that period, after dissecting retinas from 300 frogs, he found that rhodopsin on stimulation with light yielded both the protein opsin and a compound he called "retinene" (now "retinaldehyde") that in turn yielded vitamin A (now called retinol).

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