IPA: ˈɑptɪkɫi
- regarding or using optics
Examples of "optically" in Sentences
- The discovery was dated back by using a method known as optically stimulated luminescence
- CDs function optically, that is, one must mold small ridges in the grooves on the CD surface to store binary data.
- He admits that a move (that is on the cards) into an office in Croke Park may "optically" compromise their independence from the GAA.
- The new findings relied on a technique called optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), which dates the last time the sand was exposed to sunlight.
- Simms and two former students traveled in 2007 to the Antarctic coast to test rocks using a dating technique called optically stimulated luminescence.
- • Presents user guidelines on color measurement procedures and discusses measurement issues for media such as optically-brightened papers and inkjet prints.
- Some voting districts use only one type of voting system, such as optically scanned paper ballots or touch screens with or without paper receipts, while many others use combinations of systems.
- More than 40 series of optically-active complexes with octahedral symmetry were separated in optically-active forms, with the result that the spatial configuration of the complexes to the coordination number
- Concerning the VX-II and VX-III lines; the older ones are optically and mechanically the same except the VX-III lenses are fully multi-coated and the VX-II exterior lenses are multicoated, but not all internal lens surfaces are coated, but not multicoated as I recall.
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