
IPA: ɔrˈeɪʃʌn


  • A formal, often ceremonial speech.
  • (humorous) A lengthy speech or argument in a private setting.
  • (Catholicism) A specific form of short, solemn prayer said by the president of the liturgical celebration on behalf of the people.


  • To deliver an oration; to speak.

Examples of "oration" in Sentences

  • Captain Von Papen also delivered an oration from the dock about the Providence Journal.
  • Complete text of the three hour long mutual admiration oration is available at the Mitchieville pay site.
  • These words inspired Rich Lowry, Ann Coulter and Powerline to dub the oration "the throw grandma under the bus" speech.
  • The oration was a very elegant performance, but not without much Art -- a few Strokes which to me injure the performance.
  • But the main oration perfectly enshrines much of the sentimental self-image of England as something miniature and vulnerable, albeit stern and defiant.
  • And I was in the middle of a great oration from a sort of stage, with a lot of maps behind me, when someone rushed in and said, "You are wanted urgently on the telephone."
  • When Bill Clinton was going through the throes of impeachment, we heard a lot of oration from the Right about his lack of "moral leadership" and how he was "letting us down" through his human failings.
  • If an oration is too long, "it should be divided and each single part should be excellently shaped and put in a certain place in right order, that is, so that one thought may follow another without interruption or disturbance."
  • - to three epigrams, and a fingle oration* It is, however, the very oration that I was moft felicitous to obtain j for, aks! with grief I confefs, that although feven orators ha - rangued upon the queftion, one alone had generofity enough tq argue on the fide of the neglefted fifterhood; with what powers of rhetoric, my reader will very foon have K3 the

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