IPA: ˈɔrkɪstreɪt
- To arrange or score music for performance by an orchestra.
- To compose or arrange orchestral music for a dramatic performance.
- To arrange or direct diverse elements to achieve a desired effect
Examples of "orchestrate" in Sentences
- Does the CHRC "orchestrate" criminal prosecutions?
- Article:Memo: Haiti leader sought to 'orchestrate'
- And learn how to "orchestrate" your HVAC system for maximum efficiency.
- Behavior, because it's so complicated to orchestrate, is polymorphic — it requires the action of many genes in concert.
- Since the chromosomes and the genes they contain orchestrate the body's growth and development, a range of physical and behavioral problems may result.
- The two teamed up, with Hameroff showing how synaptic inputs could 'orchestrate' Penrose objective reductions in neuronal microtubules, hence 'orchestrated objective reduction' (Orch OR).
- Some may expect to find the "secrets" of the great orchestrator disclosed; but, as he himself reminds us in his preface, "to orchestrate is to create, and this is something which cannot be taught."
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