IPA: ˈɔrgʌnaɪzɝ
- A person who arranges the details of a public event.
- (computing) A hand-held micro-computer that will perform specific tasks; can be used as an electronic diary, alarm clock, recorder of memos and notes, a portable database etc.
- A non-electronic notebook or calendar or something similar, used to organize one's affairs.
- (medicine) A group of cells that, together with the evocator, control differentiation in the embryo; the inductor
Examples of "organizer" in Sentences
- The event organizer was busy coordinating all the logistics for the charity fundraiser
- She always kept a neat and tidy home, thanks to her trusty closet organizer
- As the school year began, the teacher handed out each student an agenda organizer to help them stay on track with assignments
- The professional organizer helped declutter and organize the client's chaotic office space
- He found it difficult to navigate the city without his trusty map organizer