
IPA: ɔriɛnteɪtɪŋ


  • That changes an orientation.

Examples of "orientating" in Sentences

  • The winds of autumn left a compass-orientating legacy.
  • But how does a newly-qualified 20-something teacher with no experience of networking, conferences, SIGs etc go about orientating themselves?
  • During a demonstration at the recent SIGGRAPH exhibition in Los Angeles, Sony showed off an image of a woman's head that reacted to the viewer's hand movements, orientating itself accordingly.
  • From simple coordinates concepts to eight digit accurate grid coordinates and transposing the resultant coordinates into accurate insertions in the one-time pad system to be used, as well as the need for properly and accurately orientating the antennas to communicate by the RS-1 radio according to the signal plans provided by Washington.
  • Sleeping arrangements are sorted – they're going to hollow out Sol Campbell for use as a bivouac for the whole squad – and even though they've lost their compass they should have no problem orientating themselves – they're simply going to get Shola Ameobi to take a shot and then, working on the assumption that it will be miles off target, head in the opposite direction.
  • The Board Source (Washington, DC) cites several of those core responsibilities: defining a mission and purpose for the nonprofit; hiring/evaluating the CEO/ED; ensuring effective organizational planning, resources, and sustainability; managing those resources; monitoring and strengthening programs; enhancing the nonprofit's image; maintaining ethical/legal standing; and recruiting, orientating, and training new board members.

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