IPA: ɔrnɪθˈɑɫʌdʒi
- The branch of zoology that deals with the scientific study of birds.
Examples of "ornithology" in Sentences
- He is also considered the Father of Indian Ornithology.
- Ornithology is the branch of science that studies birds.
- He made important contributions in the area of ornithology.
- This led to his lifelong interest in the ornithology of India.
- He became head of the museum's Department of Ornithology in 1973.
- He is an author of books in the field of neurosurgery and ornithology.
- Naumann is regarded as the founder of scientific ornithology in Europe.
- The modern skeletons are housed by the museum's Ornithology collection.
- During the time, Blyth was considered the father of Indian ornithology.
- The sudden spurt in ornithology was also due in part to colonialization.