IPA: ˈɔrfʌnhʊd
- The state of being an orphan; the losing of both parents through their death.
Examples of "orphanhood" in Sentences
- I liked this one, too, and wondered why it wandered off into orphanhood.
- Maybe this is connected to the fact that we all know we'll have to confront adult orphanhood at some point.
- Elvira's orphanhood does not give her a blank slate of a past, but a rich and complicated one already at the age of 18.
- In that year, when Ravikovitch was six years old, her father was run over and killed by a drunken driver, leaving his daughter with a permanent sense of loss and orphanhood.
- If as I hope, President-Elect Obama, you are NOT prepared to bear the responsibility for the deaths, injuries and orphanhood of children as innocent and lovely as your own, then STAND UP NOW!
- Not quite as bad as plunking the children in front of a TV or a horror movie happens, too but done often enough...indeed, one of the tragedies of orphanhood is how the child's true interests may never be recognized and developed...
- Second: The State shall guarantee social and health security to Iraqis in cases of old age, sickness, employment disability, homelessness, orphanhood, or unemployment, shall work to protect them from ignorance, fear and poverty, and shall provide them housing and special programs of care and rehabilitation, and this shall be regulated by law.
- I spoke on tape with two people who relished, face to face, the friendship, resignation, laughter, and ultimately the orphanhood of the late Lezama Lima: that unfinished poet of Oppiano Licario and the narrator of the unpublished Fragments of His Iman; that shadow so Piñera-like that he swam in his sleep, both fists clenched Virgilio vomited his fear, but Lezama Lima swallowed his.