
IPA: ˈɔrθʌkɫeɪs


  • (mineralogy) Potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi₃O₈, a common feldspar of igneous, plutonic, and metamorphic rocks. Orthoclase is the main feldspar of pegmatite occurrences, where it is most commonly flesh-colored. Orthoclase is used in the ceramic and glass industries and as a decorative gravel.

Examples of "orthoclase" in Sentences

  • In this way I have melted beryl, orthoclase, and quartz.
  • Other kinds of felspar, even orthoclase, may however also show the aventurine appearance.
  • (K2O · Al2O3 ·6SiO2), exists as minerals named orthoclase and microcline, melting at 1200°C.
  • (Common orthoclase feldspar, which is frequently of a brownish pink or flesh color, will do.)
  • The minerals included in this group are orthoclase, microcline, and the plagioclase feldspars.
  • A pomegranate is not a species of granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of quartz, orthoclase-feldspar, and mica, as I spelled it.
  • It occurs as nitrate in nitre (KNO_ {3}), and as silicate in many minerals, such as orthoclase (or potash-felspar) and muscovite (or potash-mica).
  • Those yielded by orthoclase must generally abound in potash, while albite and labradorite, containing little or none of that element, must produce soils in which it is deficient.
  • Granite is a mixture of quartz, felspar, and mica in variable proportions, and the quality of the soil it yields depends on whether the variety of felspar present be orthoclase or albite.
  • There are, for instance, several different minerals commonly classified under the name of felspar, which have been distinguished by mineralogists by the names of orthoclase, albite, oligoclase, and labradorite; and there are at least two sorts of mica, two of hornblende, and many varieties of zeolites.

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