IPA: ɔrθʌdˈɑntʃɝ
- Orthodontics.
- A set of orthodontic braces.
Examples of "orthodonture" in Sentences
- And how he planned to pay for his daughter's orthodonture.
- Only this time without the orthodonture or the algebra, thank god.
- She had those perfect teeth, the result of years of expensive orthodonture.
- She clicked on a photo of little girls with identical grins and matching orthodonture, feeling a surprising stab of envy.
- I've done car pools and bag lunches and overwhelming questions; orthodonture, Little League and PTA, difficult choices and the facts of life.
- What you may not know is Laura and the ringmaster, her husband, have already invested a lot of money in orthodonture for three of the clowns … enough to buy a family cruise vacation.
- There will be no killing of the goat today; we might poke it with sharp sticks, or call it fat, or make fun its orthodonture, but no goats have been killed in the making of this blog.