
IPA: ˈɑsʌɫʌtɔri


  • That oscillates; oscillating.
  • Capable of sustaining oscillations.

Examples of "oscillatory" in Sentences

  • In systems science it is called an oscillatory system.
  • The "oscillatory shaking" of dogs and other animals follows a regular back-and-forth pattern, beginning at the head and spreading to the tail.
  • In this context, elementarity seems to correspond to nothing more than the choice of a particularly convenient decomposition of oscillatory behaviour.
  • But not carrying digested a laws of a spirit, they appreciate hold up in a suggestion as oscillatory, abandoned of rule, as good as strenuous to practice.
  • For Z 137, the wave function of the Dirac ground state is oscillatory, rather than bound, and there is no gap between the positive and negative energy spectra, as in the Klein paradox.
  • The shock causing the most damage had at first a kind of oscillatory movement lasting over forty seconds and ending in a general upheaval of the earth; the result being that solid walls, arches, and strongly braced roofs, were broken and severed like pipe-stems.
  • Thus some bolbophyl, for example, have caudal appendages to their sepals, as in Masdevallias, and on the other hand some Masdevallias have their labellums hinged and oscillatory, which is so commonly the case as to be "almost characteristic" in the genus Bolbophyllum or Sarcopodium.
  • The energy of Potgeiter, Francois Louw and De Jongh was iced by the knowhow of Smit, Matfield, Jaque Fourie, Joe van Niekerk and Danie Rossouw, and it was Wales, who had spent the week talking themselves up, who became disjointed, the same inconsistency that made their Six Nations campaign so oscillatory.

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