IPA: ɔstiɑsɑrkˈoʊmɝ
- A type of cancer of the bone.
Examples of "osteosarcoma" in Sentences
- “It’s called osteosarcoma, which is a type of bone cancer that kids get.”
- (END VIDEO CLIP) GUPTA: You may not know but Teddy Junior had osteosarcoma, which is another type of cancer.
- It ended up being a disease called osteosarcoma bone cancer, which is a rare form of mainly childhood bone cancer.
- During the drug testing process, the medicine in FORTEO caused some rats to develop a bone cancer called osteosarcoma.
- The 12-year NBA veteran from the University of Oklahoma was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, which is also known as cancer in ...
- If osteosarcoma is suspected based on X-rays or other imaging tests, a sample of the tumor (a biopsy) will be examined under the microscope to confirm the diagnosis.