IPA: ˈɑstioʊɫ
- (mycology) A small hole or opening through which certain fungi release their mature spores.
- (botany) A similar hole or opening in plants, such as the opening of the involuted fig inflorescence through which fig wasps enter to pollinate and breed.
Examples of "ostiole" in Sentences
- The ostiole of the fig is a small opening on the bottom that allows the fruit to ripen and release its seeds
- In botany, the ostiole is the opening through which pollen is released in certain types of flowers
- Birds and insects are attracted to the sweet scent that emanates from the ostiole of the flower, aiding in its pollination
- The ostiole is a crucial part of the anatomy of certain fruits, allowing them to properly mature and disperse their seeds
- If the ostiole of the fruit is damaged or blocked, it can hinder the plant's reproductive process and affect its ability to reproduce