IPA: ˈoʊtoʊraɪnˈɑɫɑrɪngˈɔɫʌdʒi
- (medicine) Otolaryngology.
Examples of "otorhinolaryngology" in Sentences
- O'Malley, Jr., chair of otorhinolaryngology--head and neck surgery at the University of
- O'Malley, Jr., chair of otorhinolaryngology--head and neck surgery at the University of Pennsylvania.
- O'Malley, Jr., chair of otorhinolaryngology - head and neck surgery at the University of Pennsylvania.
- O'Malley, a professor and chairman of the department of otorhinolaryngology-head and neck surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.
- At the time of the invention, Inventor Sato was a university professor specializing in otorhinolaryngology; Inventor Handa was a clinical development department manager at Daiichi, where he was involved with new drug development and clinical trials; and Inventor Kitahara was a research scientist at Daiichi engaged in the research and development of antibiotics.