
IPA: ˈoʊtʌskoʊp


  • (medicine) An instrument used for examining the eardrum and interior of the outer ear.

Examples of "otoscope" in Sentences

  • As I looked at the ruptured eardrum with my otoscope, I was blasted by a shouting voice less than an inch away from my face.
  • Upon seeing the beast magnified and lit up with his otoscope, he was so shocked that he jumped back, tripped on a chair, and ended up on the floor.
  • If him scratching at eers or shaking a lot, myte consider a quick vet visit just tu rool out recurrence, since vet has otoscope an can look deeper — duz yu gno where teh eer infekshun was?
  • As you let the doctor insert the otoscope in your ear or examine your vertebrae, you might reflect on how odd this is, the fact that we need an extra pair of eyes to be able to see ourselves.
  • Also a no-brainer was for every member of the graduating class buying one of those black doctor bags, stuffed with tuning fork (to test hearing) and stethoscope for house calls (I've made them, but only with a stethoscope and otoscope to check for ear infections.)

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