IPA: ˈaʊtdˈɔrzmʌn
- A man who spends time in outdoor pursuits or sports.
Examples of "outdoorsman" in Sentences
- I think that being an outdoorsman is manly enough, why over roast it?
- Carbondale man killed in Vail shooting described as outdoorsman, family man
- That said, a wise approach for the intrepid outdoorsman is to plan for trouble by installing an electric winch.
- The outdoorsman has been a member of the active, high-mountain riding group, formed in 2002, for about a year now.
- My adventurous spirit complemented the Pacific Northwest lifestyle, where people embraced the term outdoorsman wholeheartedly.
- What makes you think that its view of hunters/outdoorsman is any different from the contemptuous view that most liberals share?