IPA: ˈaʊtgoʊɪŋ
- The act of leaving or going out; exit, departure.
- (chiefly in the plural) Money that leaves one's possession; expenditure, outlay, expense.
- The extreme limit; the place of ending.
- Extroverted: talkative, friendly, and social, especially with respect to meeting new people easily and comfortably.
- (not comparable) Going out, on its way out.
- (not comparable) Being replaced in office (while still in office but after election has determined that he/she will be replaced).
Examples of "outgoing" in Sentences
- VP in outgoing administartion nominated, little opposition: 2 times
- Las Vegas is using RFIDs in outgoing luggage now to help move bags more efficiently.
- Keith and the Girl spend a TOTAL of $30 per month on their podcast in outgoing cashflow.
- Being outgoing is the key --- you said it yourself, being around people you like makes you anxious.
- Incoming calls cost 1.1 cents per minute, outgoing is the same and long-distance is 2 cents per minute.
- In our extrovertist society, being outgoing is considered normal and therefore desirable, a mark of happiness, confidence, leadership.
- An exchange occurs when at least one incoming, and at least one outgoing process undergoes a change in the value of the conserved quantity, where ˜outgoing™ and
- China not only has the techie companies working with them, but they have a large and full-time staff of censors whose job it is to search for key words in outgoing mail and Web traffic, finding anything that might be remotely controversial and blocking it.
- The comparative figure study leads us back to the first draft of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address of January 17, 1961, in which the following statement was made by a two term outgoing Republican chief executive who served as Supreme Allied Commander in World War Two in a previous role as General Eisenhower: