IPA: ˈaʊtɫɛt
- A vent or similar passage to allow the escape of something.
- Something which allows for the release of one's desires.
- A river that runs out of a lake.
- A shop that sells the products of a particular manufacturer or supplier.
- A wall-mounted device such as a socket or receptacle connected to an electrical system at which current is taken to supply utilization equipment or appliances.
Examples of "outlet" in Sentences
- I need to buy a new power strip for my home office, so I'll head to the electronics outlet down the street
- The coffee shop on the corner is my favorite outlet for getting work done in a cozy atmosphere
- Jessie found a great deal on a designer handbag at the outlet mall last weekend
- The outlet in the living room is acting up again, so I may need to call an electrician to fix it
- When I'm feeling stressed, going for a run is the perfect outlet for clearing my mind and getting some exercise