IPA: aʊtmʌnˈuvɝ
- US standard spelling of outmanoeuvre. [(British spelling, transitive) To perform manoeuvres or movements more successfully or better than; to surpass or get the advantage of in manoeuvring; to outgeneral.]
Examples of "outmaneuver" in Sentences
- The skilled pilot was able to outmaneuver the enemy aircraft and escape unscathed
- With strategic planning and quick thinking, the team was able to outmaneuver their opponents in the final moments of the game
- The cunning spy was able to outmaneuver the guards and slip unnoticed into the heavily guarded building
- Despite being outnumbered, the experienced general was able to outmaneuver the enemy forces and secure a decisive victory
- Through clever negotiation tactics, the businesswoman was able to outmaneuver her competitors and secure the lucrative contract
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