
IPA: ˈaʊtspˈoʊkʌnɫi


  • In an outspoken manner.

Examples of "outspokenly" in Sentences

  • It is no problem for me to being ethnically Jewish and yet outspokenly anti-Zionist.
  • I didn't even have to read the underlines to see it was an italian painter .. that woman he painted is SO outspokenly italian!
  • Parris is one of four young men who have filed suit against the megachurch Bishop, who is outspokenly anti-homosexual and known for preaching abstinence.
  • The Obama administration and its new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness should outspokenly promote EPA regulation as a part of its jobs program and start dispelling the myths propagated by the EPA's opponents.
  • ÂThe Obama administration and its new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness should outspokenly promote EPA regulation as a part of its jobs program and start dispelling the myths propagated by the EPA's opponents.
  • Wilders 'trial is being closely watched in many European countries, where immigration has created a backlash of anti-Muslim sentiment and boosted nationalist parties that are outspokenly negative toward Islam and Muslims.
  • Somehow, this helps her accept that Rob is really gone, and to move on.2/6/2005 Nothing to laugh aboutFirst broadcast of the Fox animated sitcom series American Dad! whose title character is an outspokenly patriotic CIA agent.
  • The reason for this is not hard to find, since Sir Hugh had been outspokenly clear that he would have been an independent chief, abiding by the traditional principle that the police and not the politicians take the operational decisions.

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