IPA: ˈoʊvɝækt
- (acting) To act in an exaggerated manner.
- (obsolete, transitive) To act upon, or influence, unduly.
Examples of "overact" in Sentences
- "overact" to the above 2 percent target, and added that inflation will likely slow on budget cuts.
- "overact" the Carnival of Venice by requiring everyone to wear masks while walking down the street.
- But Tarun (who directed Thimuru and Kaalai) has to learn not to overact, which is apparent in one of the scenes.
- While his later tendency to overact is sometimes apparent, young pre-Star Trek Shatner is, dare I say, rather dashing.
- In fact, he suggested political leaders were better to "overact" than "underact" when it comes to speeding stimulus money out the door.
- OTTAWA - In deciding to cut overall government spending next year, Alberta appears to be moving in its own direction, ignoring advice Prime Minister Stephen Harper was dispensing to European nations last week to "overact" when it comes to stimulus spending.
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