IPA: ˈoʊvɝɔɫ
- (Britain) A garment worn over other clothing to protect it; a coverall or boiler suit. A garment, for manual labor or for casual wear, often made of a single piece of fabric, with long legs and a bib upper, supported from the shoulders with straps, and having several large pockets and loops for carrying tools.
- (in the plural, US) A garment, worn for manual labor, with an integral covering extending to the chest, supported by straps.
- All-encompassing, all around.
- Generally; with everything considered.
Examples of "overall" in Sentences
- They're sticking with a company police for what they call the overall safety of customers and workers.
- He complained about lack of maintenance, unreasonable lease requirements and what he described as overall shoddy treatment.
- And I served one year as a senior planner and then as a director of planning for what we called the overall base maps for how to use something like two thousand acres of land.
- But she stood by what she called her "overall thesis" about Limbaugh—that he uses racially charged rhetoric about Obama—and played several recent clips of the talk show host to prove her point.
- The Israeli leader said while there are differences "here and there," there is what he called an overall direction for the U.S. and Israel to pursue what he called a "peace that is defensible" between Israel and Palestinians.