IPA: ˈoʊvɝbɪd
- An excessively high offer to pay or accept a price.
- (card games) The announcement of a goal, before starting play, that exceeds the goal actually achieved.
- (intransitive) To make an excessively high offer to pay or accept a price.
- (transitive) To outbid.
- (intransitive, card games) To announce a goal, before starting play, that exceeds the goal actually achieved.
Examples of "overbid" in Sentences
- The enthusiastic bidder overbid on the rare collectible, paying way more than its actual value
- I didn't want to overbid on the house, so I carefully considered my offer before submitting it
- The auction was intense, with multiple buyers trying to outdo each other and overbid on the artwork
- The stock price soared as investors continued to overbid in hopes of securing a share of the booming company
- It's easy to get caught up in the excitement and overbid on items at online auctions, so it's important to set a budget and stick to it