IPA: oʊvɝɪnθuziˈæstɪk
- excessively enthusiastic
Examples of "overenthusiastic" in Sentences
- Both parties are convinced that the Greek Cypriots do not want a settlement and say President Mehmet Ali Talat is sometimes "overenthusiastic" in negotiations with Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias.
- Kilgore said Thursday that Gillani has since admitted the email was "overenthusiastic" but also maintained that Jaffer had been copied on the email, although he might not remember it as it came in the morning after his arrest.
- The fact that Ovechkin has fun playing hockey breathed joy back into this team from the day he arrived, but his allegedly overenthusiastic celebrations are an example of how that excitement has earned him criticism around the league.
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