IPA: ˈoʊvɝɫʊk
- A vista or point that gives a view down toward something else.
- To offer a view (of something) from a higher position.
- To fail to notice; to look over and beyond (anything) without seeing it.
- To pretend not to have noticed (something, especially a mistake or flaw); to pass over (something) without censure or punishment.
- To look down upon from above or from a higher location.
- (archaic) To supervise, oversee; to watch over.
- (archaic) To observe or watch (someone or something) surreptitiously or secretly.
- (archaic) To inspect (something); to examine; to look over carefully or repeatedly.
- (archaic) To look upon with an evil eye; to bewitch by looking upon; to fascinate.
Examples of "overlook" in Sentences
- From the hilltop, you can overlook the entire city and see the twinkling lights below
- Don't overlook the small details, as they can make a big difference in the final outcome
- It's easy to overlook someone's kindness in our fast-paced world, but we should always remember to show gratitude
- The beautiful artwork in the museum is often overlooked by visitors who rush through the exhibits
- When making a decision, be sure not to overlook the consequences of your actions