IPA: ˈoʊvɝruɫ
- (transitive) To rule over; to govern or determine by superior authority.
- (transitive) To rule or determine in a contrary way; to decide against; to abrogate or alter.
- (transitive) To nullify a previous ruling by a higher power.
- (transitive, law) To dismiss or throw out (a protest or objection) at a court.
Examples of "overrule" in Sentences
- Nothing happened in the match, and in that moment, he called an overrule.
- This promotion would only apply to state emergencies in order that federalized National Guardsmen don't "overrule" Alaskan guardsmen.
- If John McCain rather than Barack Obama had replaced David Souter, I am certain that there would be five votes on the Court today to overrule Roe v.
- Congress cannot overrule a Supreme Court case interpreting the Constitution and Congress cannot tell federal courts what remedies they are allowed to impose.
- Should the Court "overrule" McConnell and allow as applied challenges to the electioneering communications, there will be much handwringing an wailing amoung the reform community.
- From every indication, Justice Alito is more likely to agree with the conservative dissenters and to create a majority to overrule this decision, further expanding the scope of sovereign immunity and closing the courthouse doors.
- Moreover, although Justice Kennedy has been clear that he will not vote to overrule Roe, he has been equally clear that he is willing to join with the four most conservative justices to allow the government to restrict abortion rights short of a complete ban.
- If you don’t figure this out, then every new ruling of the Supreme Court must come as a complete surprise to you, because SCOTUS doesn’t take cases on issues which it has already decided unless it plans to overrule, which is presumably even more surprising to someone with a myopic view of precedent.
- If you don’t figure this out, then every new ruling of the Supreme Court must come as a complete surprise to you, because SCOTUS doesn’t take cases on issues which it has already decided (unless it plans to overrule, which is presumably even more surprising to someone with a myopic view of precedent).
- Another huge problem remains section 6 (in both of the underlying draft bills), which presumably will "overrule" Rasul, by purporting to strip aliens detained overseas of the right to petition for habeas review, and to drastically limit any further rights of such aliens to seek judicial review of (i) the legality of their detention; (ii) the terms and conditions of their detention and interrogation; and (iii) the proceudres and results of any military commission trial.
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