IPA: ˈoʊvɝstrɛtʃ
- The act of stretching something too far or beyond available resources.
- To stretch too far.
- To stretch over something.
Examples of "overstretch" in Sentences
- Its army is in overstretch, with some tales of poor morale floating about.
- We get a few ritual whimpers about "overstretch" and then Liam crawls back in his box.
- The real point is that the most pressing issues in Helmand and elsewhere are "overstretch" – not enough troops – and crap equipment.
- In terms of "overstretch," the report says, "the tank of goodwill now runs on vapour; many experienced staff are talking of leaving."'
- The fact of the matter is that our armed forces are already in a state of 'overstretch'and it would be impossible for us to do even if we wanted to.
- Better that than the unremitting scattergun approach that relies on the constant, tedious repetition of the sacred mantras "overstretch" and "underfunding".
- The EFCC had also begged the court to send them to prison custody till the time the ruling would be delivered owing to what it called overstretch of its detention facilities.
- If US position ever changes Israel will fold like a tent and one day I expect either that to happen or Israel like us will become another victim of its own "overstretch" and imperial hubris. by
- Since military issues have been in the news of late (although overshadowed by other events) – not least Afghanistan and the "overstretch" suffered by British forces – I intend later today (early evening, British time) to publish a post explaining why Butcher's story is so wide of the mark, together with an analysis of the current Israeli military operation, and its implications for both US and British forces in the war against terror.