IPA: oʊvɝsʌspˈɪʃʌs
- Excessively suspicious; having a level of suspicion that is not warranted by circumstances.
Examples of "oversuspicious" in Sentences
- I'm at a loss, and probably oversuspicious.
- Anyway, sorry, hoodathunk, maybe I'm naive, but I believe that you're being oversuspicious. gopny Says:
- Careful, frugal, prosperous people like you are apt to become unduly hard and oversuspicious; but you mustn't permit it.
- Many an oversuspicious person will find advantage in remembering what a too liberal application of Foxey's principle of suspecting everybody brought
- This oversuspicious nature combined with a lack of knowledge about rubber knee length protective footwear means that Traci Bingham will never win Celebrity Big Brother.
- The problem here is that professor bernstein insists on burying his good point (that modern liberalism is often oversuspicious of israel because it is an ethnic state) in way too many bad ones (especially implying that there is something illiberal about being skeptical of ethnic states and that the motivations are the same as anti-semites).
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