IPA: pˈɑ
- (colloquial) Father, papa.
- (colloquial) Grandpa, grandfather.
- (New Zealand, now historical) A fortified Maori settlement, especially of pre-European times.
- (New Zealand) Any Maori village or settlement; a kainga.
- (informal, in direct address) Father, dad, papa.
- A short form of grandpa; grandfather.
- Abbreviation of Pennsylvania, a state of the United States of America. [A state of the United States. Capital: Harrisburg; largest city: Philadelphia.]
- Abbreviation of Papua, a province of Indonesia. [The southern part of what is now called Papua New Guinea, formerly administered as a separate territory to New Guinea.]
- Abbreviation of Pará, a state of Brazil. [A state of the North Region, Brazil. Capital: Belém]
- Initialism of Palestinian Authority.
- (linguistics) Initialism of Proto-Algonquian. (sometimes abbreviated PAn to distinguish it from Proto-Algic, but usually just abbreviated PA with Proto-Algic being abbreviated PAc) [(linguistics) The theoretical proto-language of the Algonquian languages.]
- (linguistics) Initialism of Proto-Algic. (sometimes abbreviated PAc to distinguish it from Proto-Algonquian) [(linguistics) The theoretical, second-level proto-language of the Algic languages, spoken about 7000 years ago: the ancestor of Proto-Algonquian, Yurok, and Wiyot.]
- (linguistics) Initialism of Proto-Athapaskan.
- Initialism of Prince Albert (“Saskatchewan city”). [A community in Nova Scotia, Canada.]
- Initialism of public address.
- Initialism of personal assistant. [Someone whose job is to assist and organize someone else's day-to-day business or personal tasks.]
- Initialism of personal appearance. (when a celebrity visits a public event)
- Initialism of power amplifier.
- Initialism of Prince Albert (“genital piercing”). [A community in Nova Scotia, Canada.]
- Initialism of public accountant.
- (law) Initialism of public act.
- (medicine) Initialism of physician assistant. [(capitalized when used as a person's title) A health care professional trained and licensed to perform a role similar to that of a physician but with somewhat narrower limits of authority; physician assistants and nurse practitioners have enough capabilities to be physician extenders, providing primary care and allowing physicians to spread their time across more patients.]
- (organic chemistry) Initialism of polyamide. [(organic chemistry) Any of a range of polymers containing amide (or peptide) repeat units; examples include proteins and nylon.]
- (chemistry) Initialism of pyrrolizidine alkaloid.
- Initialism of Peano arithmetic. [(logic) A set of axioms of first-order logic for the natural numbers specifying the operations of zero, successor, addition and multiplication, including a first-order schema of induction.]
- (anatomy) Initialism of pulmonary artery. [(anatomy) The artery that connects the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs.]
- (Manitoba, Saskatchewan) Initialism of Parental Accompaniment. [(Manitoba) A former film classification advising that viewers under 15 years of age be accompanied by a parent or guardian.]
- Initialism of precision agriculture. [A style of agricultural management based on observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops.]
- (American football, fantasy football) Initialism of points against.
- (medicine) Initialism of posteroanterior. [(anatomy) Posterior to anterior; back-to-front.]
Examples of "pa" in Sentences
- This reaction seems drastic and contrived to me. wha? in pa
- The governor is enforcing the law, nothing wrong with that. mother in pa
- _ In, to; _tan qui be pa huyu_, I am going to the mountain [TN-38] _pa hay_, in the house.
- Yes | No | Report from peter wrote 49 weeks 5 days ago man thats nice. i never shot a mule deer before. live in pa
- Answerbag Legal Statements Is it legal in pa for a 25 year old male to have sex with a 16 tear old female Only if pa is short for Pakistan.
- The compound 'five - people' (pañkajanâh) denotes groups of five beings, just as the term pañka-pûlyah denotes aggregates of five bundles of grass.
- Hunting deer on public land in pa is certainly a challenge, but that makes you appreciate the deer you do kill, as well as the experiences you have in the woods.
- Yes | No | Report from peter wrote 45 weeks 12 hours ago great day for hunting and fishing. just hope some is in pa, but if not at least someone gets some more land