IPA: pˈætʃʌ
- Archaic form of pasha. [(historical) A high-ranking Turkish military officer, especially as a commander or regional governor; the highest honorary title during the Ottoman Empire.]
Examples of "pacha" in Sentences
- The immediate answer of the pacha was a loud yawn.
- Yes, Ali Tebelen, pacha of Janina, is too little known; he needs an historian.
- My position was the more perilous because that very admiral happened to be Chosrew pacha.
- Egypt, — and we entered the service of pacha Mohammed; a queer sort of fellow he was, too!
- “Well, now, tell us why you left your friend the pacha,” said Pere Leger, addressing Georges.
- Before toasting, pour a little of your drink out of your cup onto the ground and say: "For the pacha mama".
- I reflected again, and the result was that I determined to have nothing more to do with the business, and that neither the sultan nor the pacha should be the better for my exertions.
- I reflected again, and the result was, that I determined to have nothing more to do with the business, and that neither the sultan nor the pacha should be the better for my exertions.
- This Hamet Waddy is a very rich Arabian merchant, residing in Zenan, and is called the pacha's merchant: He was much our friend, in persuading the pacha to use us kindly and permit us to depart.