IPA: pʌtʃˈukoʊ
- (US, countable) A Mexican American, especially a juvenile delinquent in the Los Angeles area.
- (uncountable) An argot spoken by that group, sometimes known as caló.
Examples of "pachuco" in Sentences
- (Let's go to El Paso), "and correctly so on your part, the word pachuco was born.
- Subsequently, newspapers dropped the word "Mexican" from their reports, and substituted, instead, the term pachuco or zoot suiter.
- I appreciated your explanation of the word pachuco to Still Terrified in East LA, noting that it is derived from our reference to our beloved city of El Paso.
- If the governor had the power simply to round up every pachuco in the state and put them in camps, like Roosevelt has done with the Japanese, I think Olson would exercise the right in a heartbeat.
- Bracero and pachuco, I know were actual terms used at the time and not necessarily full-on racial slurs though obviously used so by whatever pus-filled nutsack of a racist, sexist lunatic wrote this mess.