
IPA: pʌsˈɪfɪsɪst


  • Alternative form of pacifist [One who loves, supports, or favours peace.]

Examples of "pacificist" in Sentences

  • Oh wait, you're probably a pacificist of some sort or another.
  • We watch as the young man is transformed from trigger-happy jingo into disillusioned pacificist.
  • _ -- Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY might be described as a pacificist who conducts a persistent offensive.
  • Some of her supporters, like Silverstein, suggest that because Cobban is a Quaker, and thus from a pacificist tradition, she is somehow more virtuous or credible.
  • This potential death toll is not pacificist hyperbole; it comes from a National Academy of Sciences study sponsored by the Pentagon itself, as The Progressive reports.
  • Soros had long been an active donor to left-wing and pacificist causes, and although the Middle East had never been one of his focus areas, it seemed that he was interested in making a difference in the troubled region.
  • In the Fall of 1915, Oldham advised Mott to disavow his support for the British Fellowship for Reconciliation (FOR), a pacificist movement which called for an end to the fighting, but Oldham strongly supported Mott's decision to participate in the Root Mission in 1917 to render service to the Russian people.
  • The discovery of these unwieldly powers (and the chaos that ensues) leads Trinket on a quest across the continent with help from our hero, Matlee, a clumsy, pacificist herbs scientist who can barely hold a sword straight, and a little wizard boy named Abra whose adventurousness and cowardice are constantly in conflict.

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