
IPA: pˈæsʌfaɪ


  • (transitive) To bring peace to (a place or situation), by ending war, fighting, violence, anger or agitation.
  • (transitive) To appease (someone).

Examples of "pacify" in Sentences

  • So this might've been sent out to them as a way to kind of pacify the troops.
  • As in Vietnam, the goal would seem to be to install a regime run by the United States and to "pacify" the country into accepting it.
  • It seems that the thirst for oil is so great as to even place the Iraqis on reservations as was done to "pacify" our own Native Americans.
  • The US and its NATO allies can barely come up with the troops to "pacify" Afganistan which has only 25M people without contemplating going into Pakistan with its population of 130M.
  • He also publicly denounced Israel for seeking, in his words, to "pacify" the Palestinians rather than reach a peace agreement with them and he praised the work of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, authors of The Israel Lobby.
  • "It is impossible for me," he writes to Nagni, the French nuncio, 2 April, 1629, "to put in jeopardy the common fatherhood and, in consequence, to be no longer able to heal and pacify, which is the proper business of the pope as vicar of Christ"
  • Promoted to Headline (H2) on 9/27/09: Obama's LBJ Moment yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Obama\'s LBJ Moment'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: As in Vietnam, the goal would seem to be to install a regime run by the United States and to "pacify" the country into accepting it.
  • The Turkish-Armenian dialogue is known to have been advocated by successive U.S. administrations as a way to "pacify" the Armenian lobby and to weaken the incessant congressional efforts for U.S. recognition of the "Armenian genocide," a development that would most certainly damage U.S.
  • In 112 BCE, the Han's southern campaign to "pacify" the Southern Yue subjugated the Southern and Western Barbarians, resulting in the establishment of Yuexi and Shenli commanderies. 21 In 109 BCE, the Han conquered the Laojin and Mimo peoples. 22 Under enormous military pressure, the king of Dian surrendered.

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