IPA: pˈækɪdʒɪŋ
- The act of packing something.
- The materials used to pack something.
- The industry that produces such material.
- (by extension) The manner in which a person or product is promoted.
Examples of "packaging" in Sentences
- The number provided in my packaging is actually MSN not dell.
- Using easily recyclable glass apothecary type bottles and tins the packaging is also sustainable.
- Wouldn't some genuine literary criticism be a more suitable response than criticism of the flaws in "packaging"?
- The clear plastic like film used in much of her packaging is actually a biodegradable film made from corn called Earthfirst PLA.
- Most bags Terracycle makes reuse virgin packaging material that, for one reason or another, is rejected by the packaging machines.
- Secure Sales Solutions says their packaging is an efficient low cost security packaging and encourages responsible consumer disposal through easy recycling.
- Within the packaging is an offer to send away for a traditional Simpsons DVD box, so the anal retentive among us can have the sets line up in order nice and neat.
- Over time Terracycle has established relationships with large food products companies such as Kraft/General Foods and receives all their virgin packaging material that could not be used by the production equipment and that would otherwise be burned.