IPA: pˈæksædʌɫ
- A saddle designed to secure and carry goods on the back of an animal.
Examples of "packsaddle" in Sentences
- Idalia tethered the mare once more, and turned to help Kellen with the packsaddle.
- We try to limit 180 pounds to each packhorse not including the packsaddle and pads.
- He looped it around his unruly hair, then picked up the heavy wooden packsaddle, and followed Idalia outside.
- The more civilised make up of canvass or "gunny bags" stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal's back.
- The more civilised make up of canvass or “gunny bags” stuffed with hay and provided with cross bars, a rude packsaddle, which is admirably calculated to gall the animal’s back.
- ~~~~~~~~~French Vocabulary~~~~~~~~ en tout cas = in any case; façon de parler = so to speak; à peu près = almost, more or less; le français (m) = French; l'anglais (m) = English; le bât (m) = packsaddle
- Etymology: French, from Middle French soumelier official charged with transportation of supplies, from Old French, pack animal driver, probably alteration of * sommerier, from somier pack animal, from Medieval Latin saugmarius, from Late Latin sagma packsaddle — more at sumpter