
IPA: pˈædɪŋ


  • Soft filling material used in cushions etc.
  • (computing) Extra characters such as spaces added to a record to fill it out to a fixed length.
  • (military, cryptography) Extraneous text added to a message for the purpose of concealing its beginning, ending, or length.
  • Anything of little value used to fill up space.
  • (obsolete) Robbing on a highway.
  • The process of mordanting a fabric.

Examples of "padding" in Sentences

  • The padding is made from polyurethane foam and polyester wadding.
  • I hope Neil's wall-padding is firmly in place, it must get quite some wear and tear.
  • After all, they swaddle your foot in padding to protect you from the unforgiving concrete.
  • Briefly speaking the term padding, as applied to a piece of literature, denotes the presence of irrelevant matter.
  • If you are having difficultly, keep it short and simple as there is no sense in padding the paragraph and risk losing your reader.
  • Surely by now you must be wondering where you can buy such a fine backyard product while financially contributing to little boys in padding tackling each other.
  • Similar padding is apparent in the book's subsequent two sections, "Reclamation" and "Redemption," which focus on the dogs 'journeys from kennels to sanctuaries and foster-care centers.
  • As the day of reckoning approached on a slow wave of inevitability - the new cold snap on the air in the mornings, the crisp red and grey and blue and white uniforms in the shop windows, the darkening evenings, the TV trailers for the glossy new autumn programmes - I could feel the new term padding towards me.

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