IPA: pˈeɪgʌnɪzʌm
- Any indigenous polytheistic religion.
- Any of a class of religions often associated with nature rituals.
Examples of "paganism" in Sentences
- Carducci's paganism is understandable to a Protestant, at least.
- To counter the interest in paganism brought about by Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code?
- But to sit there and claim we are surrounded by paganism is a bit rich, even for him.
- Adler explained that paganism is a term that is used to refer to many worldwide religions that celebrate nature.
- As noted, paganism is on a longstanding slide; it hasn’t shown generation-to-generation staying power for centuries.
- And then there's the very idea that being "surrounded by paganism" is somehow a threat to America and our way of life.
- Anyone with a passing interest in paganism/English folklore/Doctor Who actors in other roles should try and get hold of it.
- If you are a pagan, you may not think pagans are better than everyone else, but you think paganism is a superior belief to every other.
- That the conquerors are not complaining that the conquered are rising up against their original war on paganism is quite ironic indeed.
- You know that paganism is the fastest growing broad religious ideology innot only America but also Canada, North and Western Europe and Japan?