IPA: pædʒʌnˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of creating pages for a document, book, etc., or determining when to truncate text on the pages.
- The act of numbering pages for a document, book, etc.
- (computing) The separation of data into batches, so that it can be retrieved with a number of smaller requests.
Examples of "pagination" in Sentences
- To dig deeper in the results, we incorporated a "pagination" feature in the API.
- At present the pagination is a numeric pagination but for the sake of navigation I would like to add thumbnail buttons
- Although the manuscript pagination is irregular, it has been retained for the sake of consistency in all quotations here.
- An alternative to pagination is to allow more photos per page-by expanding either the number of rows or the number of columns.
- You may notice some of the normal browsing related features such as pagination are missing while we repopulate the caching service.
- Footnotes represented by asterisks and daggers have sometimes been numbered, and footnote numbering has been adjusted to reflect the changes in pagination.
- It contains only fol. lxxxvi., with six leaves of preliminary matter; the pagination is a little irregular, xxi. and xxii. are wanting but xxiii. is given three times, and lxxvii. is repeated for lxxviii.; the
- Although perhaps not identical to the Kindle, I would prefer a higher resolution, color reading area and the pagination is somewhat confusing, as it takes about two and a half Nook “pages” to constitute one printed page (or so it appears).
- Not to mention the fact that bookmarking isn’t as good in a lot of the common e-book tools (note: I have NOT tried a kindle yet, but other tools have really not met my needs), pagination is cumbersome, different tools use different keystrokes or commands to scrool or page and some of them limit the amount you can see at any one time to just a portion of a page.