IPA: pˈeɪnɫʌs
- Free from pain; without pain or trouble.
- Not difficult; easy.
Examples of "painless" in Sentences
- In our example, putting custom configuration into the/etc/apache2/conf. d directory results in painless upgrade and fully operational apache after upgrade.
- Ending a patient's life by injection, with the added solace that it will be quick and painless, is much easier than this constant physical and emotional care.
- It is also quite a handy trait to have because it makes starting up again quick and painless (well, mostly painless the volcano is a bit sensitive after it erupts).
- The word "painless" is important: the idea of euthanasia began gaining ground in modern times not because of new technologies for agonizingly prolonging life but because of the discovery of new drugs, such as morphine and various anesthetics for the relief of pain, that could also painlessly induce death.
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