IPA: pˈæɫʌs
- Official residence of a head of state or other dignitary, especially in a monarchical or imperial governmental system.
- A large and lavishly ornate residence.
- A large, ornate public building used for entertainment or exhibitions.
- (soccer) Crystal Palace Football Club, a football team from London.
- (archaic) To decorate or ornate.
Examples of "palace" in Sentences
- Such a palace is always a U-shaped, lavish, monumental building, also known as a tecpan.
- The term palace is not altogether inappropriate, for apparently the fort was occasionally used as a royal residence.
- Both still exist, the palace is a museum, and Cortes 'home is now a fine restaurant, It is expensive, and definitely a splurge experience to eat there.
- Oswald and Corinne, having seen the Capitoline Hill the day before, began their walks by Mount Palatine; it was entirely occupied by the palace of the Cæsars, called _the golden palace_.
- A modern tourist, in "A Morning's Walk from London to Kew," characterizes the new palace as "the _Bastile palace_, from its resemblance to that building, so obnoxious to freedom and freemen.