IPA: pˈæɫʌdɪn
- A heroic champion, especially a knight.
- A defender or advocate of a noble cause.
- Any of the twelve Companions of the court of Emperor Charlemagne.
Examples of "paladin" in Sentences
- The holy sword paladin spell can only be cast on melee weapons, though.
- And I think I've discovered that blood elf/paladin is my very favorite flavor combination so far.
- My paladin is level 71, so also a candidate to hang out with Crossfire, but I don't want to go Retribution.
- Suraa, Spooky's blood elf paladin, is now at Level 44, because I haven't been playing quite as much, and so she's gotten a little ahead.
- Said paladin is only absent a few moments before returning to the bar and his suspiciously empty cider, which the bartender quickly refills without comment.
- He plucked away the face-cloth, and uncovered the awful visage left to him, almost lipless, one cheek shrunken away, the nostrils eaten into great, discoloured holes, a face in which only the live and brilliant eyes recalled the paladin of Jerusalem and Ascalon.
- I've been seventy years an admired hero, the Hector of Afghanistan, the chap who led the Light Brigade, daredevil survivor of countless stricken fields, honoured by Queen and Country, V.C. and Medal of Honour - folk simply don't want to know that such a paladin was a rotter and bully in childhood, and if he was, they don't care.