
IPA: pʌɫiʌɫˈɪθɪk


  • Alternative spelling of Paleolithic [Of or referring to the Old Stone Age (the Paleolithic period or Paleolithic age).]

Examples of "palaeolithic" in Sentences

  • Denmark when it supported only 500 palaeolithic people.
  • The Aïr has been settled for at least 30,000 years: prehistoric palaeolithic and neolithic sites abound.
  • Likewise she induced mental states which she fondly believed to approximate those of the stone-folk, and just now, as she put up her hair for the pillow, she was indulging her fancy with a palaeolithic wooing.
  • M. Cartailhac, again, has lately, in the most candid and honourable way, recanted his own original disbelief in certain wall-paintings in Spanish caves, of the period called "palaeolithic," for long suspected by him of being "clerical" impostures.
  • According to the most learned and scientific speculation, the total population of the Globe, irr the year 10,000 before our era-in palaeolithic times-may have been about only ten million, probably less than more, all eaters of fruits and roots, hunters and fishermen.
  • BI: The Adivasis are the indigenous first dwellers whose ancestry is traced to a prehistoric level by rockart of the region which is world famous and by the palaeolithic remains of earlier generations that have made the valley famous throughout the world and drawn international attention to it.
  • In early ages, after the metals had been worked, stone, bronze, and iron were still used as occasion served, just as the Australian black will now fashion an implement in "palaeolithic" wise, with a few chips; now will polish a weapon in "neolithic" fashion; and, again, will chip a fragment of glass with wonderful delicacy; or will put as good an edge as he can on a piece of hoop iron.

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