IPA: peɪɫioʊbaɪˈɑɫʌdʒi
- The branch of biology or paleontology concerned with the study of fossils of plants and animals
Examples of "paleobiology" in Sentences
- Evidently Charles Pellegrino is a scientist of “paleobiology, astronomy and other areas.”
- D. degrees - but nonetheless has established himself as serious, quite credible, scientific researcher in vertebrate paleobiology.
- Buried next to him is another Yale paleontologist, Charles Schuchert (July 3, 1858-November 20 1942), who coined the term paleobiology in 1904.
- Am not surprised that University of Texas, Austin is involved, since it has several great groups in systematic biology, ecology and paleobiology:
- As part of the event, players get an assist from real-world Smithsonian scientists in areas such as forensic anthropology, paleobiology and entomology.
- This is the first occurrence of multiple individuals of Triceratops in the same quarry and raises potentially interesting questions regarding Triceratops paleobiology.
- Last year I learned in a keynote lecture on molecular paleobiology, given by Kevin Peterson, that a paleontologist not necessarily studies fossils, i.e. something excavated from earth.
- The fossil, called Darwinius masillae and said to be a female, provides the most complete understanding of the paleobiology of any primate so far discovered from the Eocene Epoch, Hurum said.
- Scientific findings in many fields, including my own paleobiology as well as geology, geophysics, geochemistry, developmental biology, and systematics, have led to a synthesis of the events surrounding the Cambrian explosion that is in full accord with well-established evolutionary principles.